An organic dairy farmer, and producer of raw milk recently wrote to me...
"Things are busier than ever here at the farm. Dad had an op recently at Uckfield, where both the surgeon and nurse were customers of ours! We have over 200 customers now for our raw milk, and it's still rising! We have new bottles (4500) coming next week, and we have new cows too! Although the milk round is increasing in size each week, we have now lost about 5 customers who have cancelled our milk on doctor's orders as "it is bad for their cholesterol and they should be on semi or fully skimmed milk." I recently heard from an ex dairy farmer who used to sell raw milk years ago who told me that the enzyme in raw milk breaks down the fat and cholesterol. Do you know if this is the case? What are your views on this, as we really want to give proper information to our customers, and it would great to get one of our regular customer's - our local Nutritionist's advise and comments on this"?
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